Sermon Library

An archived conversation about the Kingdom of God

In simplest terms, a conversation about the Kingdom of God is a conversation about how to live in the world as it was made by God to be lived in. Toward this end, sermons at Epiphany expand on the insights provided by scripture and particularly by the life of Jesus Christ. The exposition focuses on context, both historical and current, as well as practical “take home” exercises that allow the realities of God to take root in our hearts.

August 5, 2018
[audio mp3=""][/audio] Preacher: Charissa Bradstreet, M.Div.   Never Be Hungry, Never Be Thirsty When I approach a Biblical text, knowing that I need to write…
July 29, 2018
Preacher: The Rev. Ruth Anne Garcia [audio mp3=""][/audio]
July 22, 2018
Preacher:  The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr. [audio mp3=""][/audio] Today we have some Jesus healing stories from the Gospel of Mark, and they inspire me…
July 15, 2018
Preacher:  The Rev. Ruth Anne Garcia [audio mp3=""][/audio] Good morning Christians, seekers and friends If I have learned anything in life it is that little…
July 8, 2018
Preacher: The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr. [audio mp3=""][/audio] I just returned from Montana where I was with Kristin and Desmond and cousin Julian and…
July 1, 2018
Preacher: The Rev. Ruth Anne Garcia [audio mp3=""][/audio] Just the other day I was in the Target downtown, and I came across two t-shirts that…
June 24, 2018
Preacher:  The Rev. Ruth Anne Garcia [audio mp3=""][/audio] While it may not be a good idea, I begin my sermon today by looking back a…
June 17, 2018
Preacher: The Rev. Ruth Anne Garcia [audio mp3=""][/audio] Good morning Christians, seekers and friends: I am not much of a gameshow person – I just…
June 10, 2018
Preacher: The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr. [audio mp3=""][/audio] Today’s sermon is about eternal life. Paul brings it up in this 2nd Letter to the…