Harrowing Of Hell


Parishioner Grant Applications Due July 28 This parish’s generous giving at the Have a Heart outreach fundraiser in February once again can provide small grants to selected charitable organizations nominated by parishioners. A funding pool of $10,000 is available for a limited number of grants of up to $2,500. Applicants must be pledging members of Epiphany Parish

The Crowd was Back at Have a Heart!

By Holly Boone For the first time since the pandemic waned, a good crowd filled the Great Hall at Have a Heart this past Sunday evening. The room was lovely, thanks to Alice Foreman’s flower art and charming decor, and the little lights Gieth hung for us. There was a ton of great food, and

August 2023 Food Bank Parish Report

Dear Epiphany, If I could tell you just one thing about the YWCA Central Area Food Bank, it would be this: The people who receive bags of groceries every week are deeply grateful. Since the summer of 2020, after Covid-19 closed the Food Bank to walk-in traffic, my partner Pat and I have delivered bags

We are so Grateful…

Your gifts at Have a Heart this past February added up to a whopping $130,848! Now those gifts are making an outsized impact on innumerable lives here at home and far away. When Epiphany’s check for $15,000 reached the Haiti Micah Project’s Virginia office, Sarah Desir (the office’s sole staff member) replied with the message,

Epiphany’s Mark at the Hope Factory!

Congratulations, Epiphany! We are now a “Community Partner” with Sound Foundations NW. As such, we have our very own banner hanging now at “The Hope Factory.” Our Epiphany team has been building there the second Saturday of every month for almost two years. In addition, your generous donations in 2022 allowed us to pay for

Thank You Epiphany! Have A Heart Results

As of Friday, February 24, gifts to Have a Heart reached a record $119,847. The Service & Outreach Team is grateful beyond words for your generosity and also humbled by the trust you place in us to ensure that these funds do the greatest good.   As equally important to us as the dollars raised

Father Joseph Constant Speaks for Haiti

At Epiphany this past Sunday, the Reverend Joseph Constant, founder and president of the Haiti Micah Project, celebrated the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his prophetic call for justice for all people. Father Constant, a native of Haiti and now serving as the Rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Beltsville, Maryland,

Service & Outreach Invites You to Supper

The Service & Outreach Team invites you to join us after Choral Evensong on three Sundays in January. Each evening we will highlight a ministry partner serving neighbors beyond our country’s borders. And we feed you!   January 8—Holly Boone recaps her October trip with the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ).

Service & Outreach: Epiphany’s Christmas List

It’s not about who’s naughty or nice! These are the good gifts our church has given this year:   + Gift bags with warm winter items for women at Angeline’s Day Center + Thanksgiving dinner and children’s school supplies for families living in YWCA housing + Fresh produce every week for more than 300 low-income