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Our calendar is bursting—worship services and bible studies, musical performances, classes, and small groups. For access to the full Facilities Calendar, contact Karen Berry, Parish Administrator, at
Our calendar is bursting—worship services and bible studies, musical performances, classes, and small groups. For access to the full Facilities Calendar, contact Karen Berry, Parish Administrator, at
Sun Sunday | Mon Monday | Tue Tuesday | Wed Wednesday | Thu Thursday | Fri Friday | Sat Saturday |
1 8:30 am Nursery 8:45 am Eucharist & Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II 9:45 am Coffee Hour 10:00 am Courtyard Kids' Connect First Sunday Brunch 11:00 am Holy Eucharist - Rite I 12:00 pm Coffee Hour 4:00 pm Shadow to Light: Living Into the Advent Arc 5:30 pm Evensong 6:30 pm Evensong Reception | 2 9:00 am Parish Office Hours | 3 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 5:00 pm Nightwatch Community Dinner 6:30 pm EfM | 4 9:00 am Parish Office Hours | 5 8:40 am C.S. Lewis Minyan 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 10:00 am All Threads 4:45 pm Choristers Rehearsal 6:30 pm Evening Prayer 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal | 6 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 10:30 am Rector's Bible Study 6:00 pm Youth Group Christmas Party | 7 9:00 am Women's Retreat Group 2:00 pm EMA Student Recital |
8 8:30 am Nursery 8:45 am Eucharist & Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II 9:45 am Coffee Hour 10:00 am Adult Formation Courtyard Kids' Connect 11:00 am Holy Eucharist - Rite I 12:00 pm Coffee Hour 3:00 pm Holiday Festival 4:00 pm Shadow to Light: Living Into the Advent Arc 5:00 pm Tree Lighting 5:30 pm Advent Lessons & Carols 6:30 pm Advent Lessons & Carols Reception | 9 9:00 am Parish Office Hours | 10 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 5:00 pm Nightwatch Community Dinner 6:30 pm EfM 7:00 pm Vestry Meeting | 11 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 7:00 pm Concert Rehearsal | 12 8:40 am C.S. Lewis Minyan 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 10:00 am All Threads 4:30 pm Choristers Rehearsal 6:30 pm Evening Prayer 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal | 13 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 10:30 am Rector's Bible Study 12:00 pm Sages' Luncheon 7:30 pm Messiah 9:00 pm Messiah Reception | 14 8:00 am Men's Breakfast 9:00 am Tiny Home Build 7:30 pm Messiah 9:00 pm Messiah Reception |
15 8:30 am Nursery 8:45 am Eucharist & Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II 9:45 am Coffee Hour 10:00 am Adult Formation Courtyard Kids' Connect 11:00 am Holy Eucharist - Rite I 12:00 pm Coffee Hour 4:00 pm 'Come As You Are' Eucharist Shadow to Light: Living Into the Advent Arc 5:30 pm Evensong 6:30 pm Evensong Reception | 16 9:00 am Parish Office Hours | 17 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 5:00 pm Nightwatch Community Dinner 6:30 pm EfM | 18 9:00 am Parish Office Hours | 19 8:40 am C.S. Lewis Minyan 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 10:00 am All Threads 4:45 pm Choristers Rehearsal 6:30 pm Evening Prayer 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal | 20 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 10:30 am Rector's Bible Study | 21 8:00 am Greening of the Church |
22 8:30 am Nursery 8:45 am Eucharist & Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II 9:45 am Coffee Hour 10:00 am Adult Formation Courtyard Kids' Connect 11:00 am Holy Eucharist - Rite I 12:00 pm Coffee Hour 12:30 pm Reception Setup 4:00 pm Shadow to Light: Living Into the Advent Arc 5:30 pm Christmas Lessons & Carols 6:30 pm Reception | 23 9:00 am Parish Office Hours | 24 9:00 am Parish Office Hours 12:00 pm Christmas Eve for Young Children 4:00 pm Christmas Pageant 5:00 pm Nightwatch Community Dinner 5:40 pm Musical Prelude 6:00 pm Festival Eucharist 8:40 pm Musical Prelude 9:00 pm Festival Eucharist 11:00 pm Candlelit Eucharist | 25 Christmas 9:00 am Christmas Day Eucharist | 26 Kwanzaa 6:00 pm Teen Feed | 27 Kwanzaa | 28 Kwanzaa |
29 Kwanzaa 8:30 am Nursery 8:45 am Holy Eucharist Rite II 9:45 am Coffee Hour 10:00 am Adult Formation 11:00 am Holy Eucharist - Rite I 12:00 pm Coffee Hour 5:30 pm Evensong 6:30 pm Evensong Reception | 30 Kwanzaa | 31 Kwanzaa 5:00 pm Nightwatch Community Dinner |