You Will Be My Witness


We give as stewards of God’s gifts to us. In addition to donations of time and services which you can learn about at this link, your monetary gifts to Epiphany enable us to continue to provide a venue, teachings, music, and opportunities for community and transformation in ways that bring more love, joy, and peace into your life and our shared world.

YWCA Backpack Drive

Support the YWCA as it helps needy students return to school this Fall! YWCA typically gives out 3000 backpacks for students of all ages. With your help, Epiphany can reach its goal of donating $10,000 in gift cards for school supplies.


Online Giving

Click on the links below to choose a ministry or area you’d like support, or click on the “give to multiple funds” button to select more than one ministry.

Other Means of Giving

There are many ways to share your blessings with Epiphany. The easiest way to manage and monitor your giving is through Realm, the church management software that Epiphany uses to administer both financial and ministerial activities. Once you create your profile in Realm, you can routinely give through your bank account or credit card. If you haven’t already signed up for Realm, please contact Laura Rodde at

Pay by Check/ACH

The best way to pay your pledge is by transferring money from your bank account to Epiphany using ACH, the Automated Clearing House, which is also used to enable payroll deposits, Medicare payments, etc.  Once this is set up, your pledge payments will be automatically transferred from your bank to the church on a date and amount of your choosing.  Not only is this convenient for you but is a benefit to the church as well. Contributions and pledge payments may always be mailed to the church or left in the offering plate with the intent noted in the memo line.


When you give appreciated stock directly to Epiphany, it helps Epiphany and may also be beneficial as you are credited with the full market value on the day of the gift.  For assistance with this transfer to Epiphany’s account contact Pam Demian, Epiphany Business Manager/Accountant,

IRA Contributions

Depending on you age, you may be able to make a contribution to Epiphany directly from your IRA.  In doing so, you do not pay tax on the withdrawal nor do you get tax credit for charitable giving.  For assistance, Contact Pam Demian, Epiphany Business Manager/Accountant at

Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)

One means of charitable giving is to contribute to a Donor-Advised Fund.  Such a contribution, may provide a tax advantage to the donor.  Overtime, the donor may then indicate distribution by the DAF to various eligible charities.  Contact Epiphany Business Manager/Accountant Pam Demian at for assistance.

Text to Give

Giving is as easy as sending a text. Simply:

  • TYPE “73256” into the recipient line
  • TYPE “EP1805” (one word) and the amount into the message.
  • Press SEND and follow prompts.

To select multiple funds choose +Another Fund and select your amount.
To set up a recurring gift, select Give Multiple Times and follow the prompts and click Continue.


Please consider Epiphany with a bequest in your will. You also may wish to consider a Charitable Remainder Trust, which allows you to continue to draw income from securities which have been bequeathed to the Church. See your financial advisor to discuss whether this approach makes sense for you. If you would like to discuss a bequest with someone at Epiphany, please contact Contact Epiphany Business Manager/Accountant Pam Demian at

Seasons of Giving

Annual Pledge: This is for our annual operations. The campaign happens annually, from mid-September to the end of October. We strive for full participation with gifts of any amount. A pledge is outward sign of the inner vitality of the parish.

Legacy Gifts: These are gifts left in one’s estate for the benefit of the long-term vitality of Epiphany. It is an ongoing program in the life of the parish, not as a campaign. A legacy gift accrues benefits to future generations of parishioners.

Capital Campaign: This is an rallying event that happens every once in a while in the life of Epiphany, and is intended for the upgrade and care for our buildings and campus.  All members of Epiphany will be strongly encouraged to participate in these campaigns.

Outreach Impact: This type of giving is toward the end of impacting the world beyond the walls of Epiphany, and it happens in two ways, through action and art.

  • Have-A-Heart (Action) – This is the annual event that raises money for all of the outreach programs at Epiphany and takes place around Valentine’s Day. The intention of Have-A-Heart is to raise awareness for all the service and outreach programs and partnerships at Epiphany, and to encourage people to participate in them actively, while also supporting them financially.  Have-A-Heart came into being to give parishioners agency over how and where their outreach dollars go, as well as to bring them to scale for even greater impact in the world.
  • Music At Epiphany Gala (Art) – This is an annual event that raises money to support music concerts and programming at Epiphany, highlighting our particular institutional charism and history in a way that blesses the broader community. This event takes place after Easter each year.

Service & Outreach

Epiphany partners with core long standing local and international nonprofits including the American friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ), Haiti Micah Project, Nicolas Fund for Education, Operation Nightwatch, Teen Feed and the YWCA serving those who are hungry, unhoused, and families in crisis. Learn more about our outreach partnerships here.