Sermon Library

An archived conversation about the Kingdom of God

In simplest terms, a conversation about the Kingdom of God is a conversation about how to live in the world as it was made by God to be lived in. Toward this end, sermons at Epiphany expand on the insights provided by scripture and particularly by the life of Jesus Christ. The exposition focuses on context, both historical and current, as well as practical “take home” exercises that allow the realities of God to take root in our hearts.

July 21, 2024
Diane Carlisle, Lay Preacher
To watch the sermon click here. Today’s Gospel reading from Mark finds Jesus telling his disciples to come and run away with him, not once,…
July 14, 2024
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
To watch the sermon click here. On my phone I have an app that calculates compound interest. Most of you know about compound interest. It…
July 7, 2024
Susan Pitchford, Lay Preacher
To watch the sermon click here. Why is it so hard to see things we’re not expecting? Why is it so hard to change our…
June 30, 2024
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
To watch the sermon click here. “If I live in love, then I am always investing myself in the future of another” (Ilia Delio The-Not-Yet-God,…
June 23, 2024
The Rev. Lex Breckinridge
To watch the sermon click here. Why is there pain in the world? Why is there suffering? Why do bad people harm good people? Why…
June 16, 2024
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
To watch the sermon click here. Last week I was at my annual retreat with my prayer group which has been meeting for 23 years.…
June 9, 2024
Kelli Martin, Lay Preacher
To watch the sermon click here. My sister Kimmi is 5 years younger than I am. I had to watch her a lot when we…
June 2, 2024
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
To watch the sermon click here. Last week we celebrated the feast of the Holy Trinity. I introduced us to the concept of holons (H-O-L-O-N-S):…
May 26, 2024
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
To watch the sermon click here. I'm glad to be back. I just returned from a big family vacation to Belize. Kristin and I celebrate our 30th…