Harrowing Of Hell

Jesus Inside and Out

I come from a family that loves to dress up. My grandmother especially. She. Looked. Good. ALWAYS. She had this one outfit that she called her Traveling Suit. And she would wear it whenever she went on long trips. Her Traveling Suit was perfectly fitted: it was this pale blue tank top with thick straps

Truly, You Are the Son of God

Click here to watch the sermon Years ago, when my husband Dave was in grad school, we spent our two-week summer vacation visiting his parents in Columbia, Missouri. One of Dave’s brothers happened to be in town, and one beautiful afternoon, they went out golfing. At the end of the round, they discovered that they’d

To Be A Disciple of Christ

To watch the sermon click here. I remember a picture that hung on the wall of one of the Sunday School classrooms in the church where I grew up. It was a pastoral scene. Jesus was seated on a large stone beneath a tree, a tree unlike any I was familiar with in West Virginia.

Faith in Jesus in an Instant

Today’s story brings to life an image of how God moves in the world. Actual, physical movement. The movement in today’s scene is so vivid, perhaps all of us worshiping in this church and online can try to picture it, as if we were dropped right into this vibrant scene. We can imagine: Jesus moving

The Good Shepherd and the Gate

I love it when Jesus speaks clearly. I enjoy his parables too, with their complexity and their layers and their occasional cryptic-ness. As Jesus followers, we know that ANYTHING he says is going to be awesome. He is JESUS!! But when he is clear in what he is saying, there is nothing like it. It

The Patience of Jesus

Today is Palm Sunday, and it marks the beginning of Holy Week. We meet Jesus riding into Jerusalem, triumphantly as a king, on a donkey, AND on a colt, the foal of a donkey (Zech 9:9). Which sets the stage for a great deal of confusion…was he on a colt? Was he on a donkey?

We are Beatitude People

Good morning, Epiphany. It is delightful to have you together at one service. We gather as one body because it’s our annual meeting, and all members are encouraged to be present to vote for the Vestry, and to hear what has happened this past year, and where we are headed. So, thank you for being

The Mission Statement of Jesus

Good morning. Today’s passage is one that is close to my heart. I’ve stood on the shores of the sea of Galilee many times, looking out at boats as fishermen cast their nets into the glistening water. Fishing is such an act of faith; though maybe that’s just what somebody who has no skill fishing