Sermon Library

An archived conversation about the Kingdom of God

In simplest terms, a conversation about the Kingdom of God is a conversation about how to live in the world as it was made by God to be lived in. Toward this end, sermons at Epiphany expand on the insights provided by scripture and particularly by the life of Jesus Christ. The exposition focuses on context, both historical and current, as well as practical “take home” exercises that allow the realities of God to take root in our hearts.

December 12, 2021
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
Two Sundays ago, Kelli Martin, in her sermon, talked about the necessity of facing our life. That theme was picked up at our men’s retreat…
December 5, 2021
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
Thanksgiving dinner recently gave me cause to wonder at the unnecessary cravings that plague me, particularly around food, particularly on Thanksgiving, particularly around cheesecake, and…
November 28, 2021
Kelli Martin, Lay Preacher
Today is the first Sunday of Advent. For us Christians, it’s the start of our New Year, the start of the liturgical calendar. We Christians…
November 21, 2021
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
Good morning. This is the first sermon in a three-part series on uncertainty and ambiguity, and how we manage it with peaceful equanimity. Someone told…
November 14, 2021
Douglas Oles, Lay Preacher
I should begin by noting that today is the first time I have been invited to deliver the homily at a main service.  There appears…
November 7, 2021
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
“Lord you have now set your servant free to go in peace as you have promised. For these eyes of mine have seen the Savior,…
November 7, 2021
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
I’m reading a book right now called Nonsense by Jamie Holmes, and in it he makes a claim that grabbed my attention. He wrote: “As…
October 31, 2021
Frank Lawler, Lay Preacher
We heard, in today's Old Testament lesson, the beginning of the Book of Ruth. The scene was set, the characters were introduced; the three women…
October 24, 2021
The Rev. Doyt L. Conn, Jr.
I was on a Zoom call the other day with our Sunday school teachers and as I listened to their vision and energy and passion…