January 16: Desmond Tutu Memorial Service

On January 16, 2022 at 5:30 pm, Epiphany will celebrate the life of Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu. This is a worthy celebration because of who he was, what he did, and what he taught. It is an appropriate memorial made more poignant in that it is celebrated on the weekend we remember Dr. Martin Luther

Men’s Retreat–Conversations with God & One Another

  Face to Face: Conversations with God and One Another Dates: December  3, 4, and 5  Location: St. Andrew’s Retreat Center on Hood Canal Facilitator: The Rev. Dr. Ronald David, MD   For this prayerful and contemplative retreat, the Reverend Ronald David MD will offer a framework for reflecting on our individual and collective experiences

Sacred Ground at Epiphany

“In my Lakota culture we have a word, “wolakota,” that refers to the state when all things are in right-relationship: when we are in right-relationship with ourselves, with each other, with the Creator, and with creation. It is through this cultural lens that I view our work toward becoming beloved community, our work toward justice,

Staff Changes at Epiphany

Dear Epiphany,   We have been fortunate over the years to work with some truly dedicated and talented leaders. So it is bittersweet that I announce three resignations that are happening at our Parish: Amanda Eap, Naomi Woodrum, and Ruth Anne Garcia.  Every leaving is unique and personal, representing a hope in each person’s heart

We Are All Stewards of God’s Kingdom

Tomorrow is the first Sunday of the 2022 Annual Appeal Campaign to support the financial operation of Epiphany. Over 84% of this year’s budget will be funded by pledges from you. The campaign will continue for the next three Sundays, culminating on October 24 in a celebration of thanksgiving for all the pledges received for