COVID-19 Protocol Update

Dear Epiphany, The spiritual journey is a wide path separated by narrow passages. It makes me think of the deep caverns carved by running water in Monument State Park, Utah; or the cathedrals carved by hand below ground by monks in Ethiopia; or the wind-ripped gullies that shaped the sacred places of Petra. What is

Have A Heart Partner Spotlight: Fr. Constant of Haiti Micah Project

“You give life.” This past August, Father Joseph Constant, founder and Executive Director of the Haiti Micah Project, spoke with the Service & Outreach team via Zoom. He and Haiti Micah’s Treasurer Jim Snow and Administrative Assistant Sarah Desir provided an overview of Haiti Micah’s work with orphaned and abandoned children in Mirebalais, Haiti, Father

Nominees for the Vestry Class of 2024

Kelli Martin Kelli finds joy and connectedness serving in various ministries at Epiphany. From writing with St. Gabriel’s Communications Guild and Pastoral Care card writing, learning in EfM (current Year 1), making sandwiches for Operation Nightwatch, delivering food to YWCA clients and participating in liturgy as lector and lay preacher, Kelli treasures the fellowship and