Did you know that Epiphany has a Racial Justice and Reconciliation Library in the Fireside Room? We have over 150 books ranging in subject matter from history, to novels, anti-bias/white privilege, spirituality, Native American and Latinx titles. Any questions? Please contact Sherilyn Peterson at speterson@perkinscoie.com.
Epiphany’s Racial Justice & Reconciliation Library
Adult Formation: Sacred Arts Series
On September 18, we will introduce the series on the Sacred Arts. We will explore how historic Christianity recognizes God as the source of all beauty either through direct creation or through humans as divine image bearers. We will look at how beauty calls us to know and love God more. Join us online or
From the Treasurer: Our ESG Principles
I am pleased to be able to update the parish that we have incorporated Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles into the portfolios managed on behalf of Epiphany Parish by Garde Management. By way of background, last year, an ESG policy committee was formed at the request of The Rev. Doyt Conn and Ed Emerson.
Support During the Teacher Strike
Please reach out if you or your family need any type of support during the ongoing Seattle Public Schools labor dispute. This includes childcare, food options, or afterschool needs. Epiphany’s Children & Youth Minister, Kelsey Lucido, is actively working on some creative ways to be there for the community, but direct requests for support are
A New Season of Saturday Women’s Retreats
We invite you to join us for the new season of the Women’s Retreat Group. We gather monthly, 9:00 to 11:00 am at the Christie House Library or by Zoom, unless otherwise noted, starting Saturday, September 10. We welcome all women of Epiphany to join us in a series of fellowship and insight gatherings over
New Sacred Ground Group Starting!
What is Sacred Ground? Sacred Ground is a film- and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups (circles) are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. This 10-week series is built around a
‘Archbishop Tutu’s Treasured Seattle Connection’ by Joel Connelly
“With the reading of such words, no sermon was needed, although Epiphany’s rector Rev. Doyt Conn, Jr., delivered a delightful and personal welcome. It turned out that Tutu was graduation speaker at Conn’s seminary graduation. On that same day, Conn found he was to become a father. He and his wife agreed that, if a
January 16: Desmond Tutu Memorial Service
On January 16, 2022 at 5:30 pm, Epiphany will celebrate the life of Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu. This is a worthy celebration because of who he was, what he did, and what he taught. It is an appropriate memorial made more poignant in that it is celebrated on the weekend we remember Dr. Martin Luther
Sharing Our Stories: Adult Formation in 2022
“Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you have a place at Epiphany.” We’re reminded of that each time we gather, and as Episcopalians, we understand the usefulness of hearing things over and over so they “work the earth of our heart.” But how often do we talk about our journeys? Coffee hour is a