Harrowing Of Hell
May 23, 2023


May 6 Wrap Up Notes

Dear Friends,                                                                                     May 12, 2023

Thank you for joining us on Saturday, March 4th. We welcomed 25 women in person and two online. Ellie Kniffin led our meeting, opening with a powerful prayer, and then we communally moved through the Hour by Hour prayers for Saturday.

      May 1 May 2

 We pondered deeply the selected verse, Colossians 3:14.  Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony, and continued our spiritual formation by discussing the day’s Old and New Testament readings through the lens of the called-out Colossians verse in the context of our city.

There was much group participation, mention of supplemental books, and discussion about ways to clothe our community in love. We discussed Assisting Priest Lex Breckinridge’s three-part series on the Apostle Paul – YouTube link below, with the third section running this Sunday, the 14th. We also discussed and were saddened by the recent vandalism at St. Ignatius Chapel on the Seattle U campus and Temple de Hirsch, just up the street from Seattle U, on Madison, opening our hearts to consider what pain must exist within the humans who do this vandalism. 

        May 3 May 4

More conversation was held regarding Tent City 3 – link below – will be moving to St. Marks in June.  Those who want to participate in efforts there, please reach out to Elizabeth Roberts.

We concluded with a delightful presentation on Discipleship Groups by Brad Wakefield and Amanda Eap. All had good fun and want a few WRG summer gatherings. To that end, please keep your eyes and ears open for three Meet & Add-On opportunities – more on that in early June.

Finally, please put our season’s final meeting on your calendar for June 3rd. Our special guest, Megan Hutcheson, will bring incomparable insights into Understanding the Parish Facilities and Grounds.

In Christ Jesus we are,

 Ellie Kniffin, Karen Forbes, Elizabeth Roberts, Valerie Conn, Mary McGuire, and Ann Beck

 Announcements, Books & Links

Epiphany has been offering Education for Ministry (EfM) for many years.  The new session starts in mid-September. Please reach out to Diane Carlisle or Sophie Hager Hume with questions.

How the Irish Saved Civilization – Wikipedia

The Message Bible website includes details on book and YouTube, etc.

Krista Tippett – Wikipedia (note Podcasts)

https://www.sharewheel.org/tent-city-3 Tent City 3 will be moving to St. Marks in June.

Lex Breckinridge’s “The Apostle Paul: Misunderstood Mystic.”

Part 1: Apostle Paul: Misunderstood Mystic (Part 1) | The Rev. Lex Breckinridge – YouTube

Part 2: Apostle Paul: Misunderstood Mystic (Part 2) | The Rev. Lex Breckinridge – YouTube

Part 3: scheduled for May 14th.

May 5 May 7 May 8