Dear Friends, May 12, 2023 Thank you for joining us on Saturday, March 4th.
A Letter from your Associate Rector
Dear Epiphany Family, I am excited to join you as the Associate Rector of Epiphany. I have had the privilege of serving as your seminary intern over the last two years. I could not be more excited to be joining the staff full-time. As Associate Rector, I will lead Christian Education and Spiritual Formation
Thank You, Robin Mondares!
Dear Epiphany, As long as I’ve been here (and probably 25 years before that) Robin Mondares has been a stalwart backstop of compassion and prayer in this parish and as the leader of the Pastoral Care ministries. After 15+ years of leading Pastoral Care, she has handed over the primary operating duties of the
What is the Church? A Letter from Julian Petrallia
Dear Epiphany, Warm greetings from Dallas, Texas! I am Julian Petrallia and I am thrilled to join Epiphany as your Assistant Director of Music in a few weeks. The church and community that I saw during my time in Seattle is what I have long dreamt of. What is a church? For many, the word
Women’s Retreat Group: January Meeting Notes Summary of the January WRG meeting by Karen Jackson Forbes: The WRG meeting of January 7th was well attended by 20 participants, including two online. Thanks to everyone who attended. We had a lively and meaningful discussion of the lectionary that included Psalm 103. This Psalm provides much solace
Epiphany Conversations with the Rector
Dear Epiphany, Coming out of this time of lock-down, even as the virus itself still live in our community, people have reemerged in a way that is a bit like resurrection. Things are the same and things are different. Some see it and some don’t. Some have faith in the institutions that had to shut
Wyatt Smith Taking the Next Step in his Career
Dr. Wyatt Smith, Associate Director of Music and Dean of the Epiphany Music Academy, is leaving his post on the Epiphany staff to further build his organ, harpsichord, and academic career. Wyatt joined Epiphany in 2017 as Organ Scholar and obtained his doctorate of music from UW while working at Epiphany. He has been
November 5th Meeting: Women’s Retreat Group
Dear Friends, Please join us Saturday, November 5th , in the Great Hall for the Women’s Retreat Group’s unique 4-hour retreat on discernment. Our Special Guest, Diana Bender, Ministry Leader of Discernment, will lead us as we ponder the question, “Where is God Calling Me?” The pandemic led lots of people to consider big changes:
Epiphany Men’s Retreat 2022
Friday 10/7, 4:00 pm to Sunday 10/9, 1:00 pm St. Andrew’s Retreat Center on Hood Canal REGISTER HERE Purpose: “For the past 14 years, men from Epiphany have gathered in retreat at St. Andrew’s, and have experienced unanticipated blessings… sometimes by way of insight, sometimes by way of new or deepened friendship, sometime by learning