“Zeal for your house will consume me.” That is a word I get excited about, zeal. It is a word that gets a bad rap—a zealot, a person blindly compelled by an idea, irrespective of its costs, particularly cost to relationship. I believe zeal means just the opposite. I believe zeal is all about relationship.
Aunt Maria and Zeal
A Perfect Season for Consideration
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….” In some ways, the words of Charles Dickens capture the essence of this pandemic for our nation. Indeed, it is easy to chronicle the Tale of Two Cities-esque blight of COVID-19: poverty, unemployment, depression, increase in suicide, ruptured education, malnutrition…all the things that
Full Connexion | SANCTUS III, Feast of John & Charles Wesley
Today, we celebrate John and Charles Wesley as Episcopal Saints, which is a little weird, because the Wesleys are generally known as the founders of Methodism. I don’t know a ton about John and Charles Wesley, but I do know that Methodists and Episcopalians don’t tend to worship in the same buildings… And yet, for
The Bigger the Hair, the Closer to Jesus
Good Morning Christians, Seekers, and Friends! Good mornin’ and Howdy! Are you prepared for our big fast on the 29, 30th an 31st of February? Ha ha! Sorry, feeling a little extra joyful today as I’ve been thinking a lot about last week’s Have a Heart and what a wonderful night we had with you—even
Holy (Re-)Placement | SANCTUS II, Feast of Saint Matthias
Today, we’re meditating on holiness with Saint Matthias. He’s a lesser-known saint and a lesser-known apostle, in fact–in many ways, the lucky number 13. Saint Matthias is such a marginal figure in our imagination that even his feast has been moved around like a box of old books. Today is his traditional feast day, but church
Lenten Day of Quiet
Begin your Lent with a Day of Quiet contemplation of what God might be doing in your life. Join a peaceful, beautiful space to relax, pray, stare out the window or at the fire, journal, create art, meditate or try out prayer exercises. Feel free to drop in and out, for as short as 30
It’s Okay to Feel What You Feel
Good morning Christians, seekers, and friends! How are you doing this first Sunday in Lent? This time I ask this not as a nice segue way into my sermon – be nice to the people Ruth Anne so they’ll want to listen—but because in my experience, in the average Christian year, we seem to really
The Bright Sadness of Lent
I awoke Friday night and there was a brightness in our bedroom. Having grown up in Minnesota I realized quickly that it snowed out. Snow on the ground makes everything bright. As a child I used to love that, since a big snow fall, even in Minnesota, sometimes meant that school was canceled. Certainly, here
How Do We Find Holiness? | SANCTUS I, Ash Wednesday
Lent is an invitation into holiness. But surely, we are able to access it at any time. After all, as the Bible tells us in the very first chapter, we are made in the image of God. And The Reverend Doyt often reminds us that, “We are eternal beings.” Ancient theologians like Saint Ephrem the