Harrowing Of Hell

Christmas Lessons And Carols 2023

[…] – glad – gone. • • •  • œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ The people are seated. THE FIRST LESSON: Genesis 3: 8 –15; 1719 Reader: Deacon Frank DiGirolamo Executive Director Operation Nightwatch God tells sinful Adam that he has lost the life of Paradise and that his seed will […]

Update on Epiphany’s Sponsorship of an Afghan Refugee Family

[…] household goods.   They also have financial needs until the father can become employed, including rent and other necessities. Right now, they are living in a rent- free Airbnb, but that will change when they move into low-income housing and have to pay for rent and provision an entire household. This family left Kabul […]

Christmas Flyer 2020

[…] by some of our Epiphany children, youth, adults, and staff. We hope you enjoy this unique spin to our usual telling of the Nativity story, and feel free to share it with your friends and family too. 4:00 and 6:00 pm – In-berson Services in the Church These services will tell the story of […]

Experiencing Holy Week Online

[…] the Worship Space Decide where you will hold your service. Whether you are in your living room, bedroom, office, or outside, make sure the worship space is free of distractions. Consider putting a piece of art in your worship space. Dim the lights and get comfortable so that you can fully experience these times […]

An Essay on Evil

Dear Epiphany, St. Augustine taught that evil is not a substance. It is, as it were, a by-product of our freedom, and especially of our sin. Some say the effects of that sin did not fall solely on the world of humans, but spilled over into the natural world as well, in the form […]

Support During the Teacher Strike

[…] reach out to Kelsey at klucido@epiphanyseattle.org or at 510-520-8181.  Here is a list of community resources:   For grades K-8, the city of Seattle will offer a free day of supervised activities at community centers from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm. More at seattle.gov/parks.   Call Child Care Resources 206-329-5544 to help find a child-care […]

Spiritual Direction: Want to go Deeper?

[…] free of charge. Spiritual direction sessions are normally an hour long. Henri Nouwen said, “The goal of spiritual direction is spiritual formation—the ever-increasing capacity to live a spiritual life from the heart.” If you find yourself desiring greater closeness to God and a life lived from the heart –or just more informationcontact Susan at spitchford@epiphanyseattle.org.

Exodus PPT from Thursday Class

To p i c s f o r To d a y ( 1 0 / 5 )•Where we have been and where we are going•H istoricity•Exodus•Near East Timeline•Arguments for possible historical exodus•Arguments against historical exodus•How to Read Exodus•Exodus: Narrative Review•Exodus: Themes•Exodus: Role of Women•Ta ke a w a y s NavigationWhere have we […]

Civil Rights Pilgrimage

Epiphany Civil Rights Pilgrimage Epiphany par ishioners will travel to Alabama August 13 – 18 for immersive learning about events in Alabama and throughout the South in the 1950s and 60s that culminated in the ultimate passage of the 1964 National Civil Rights Act and the 1965 National Voting Rights Act. On this five […]