Harrowing Of Hell

Lent 22 Forums

[…] at work in your life? Have spiritual disciplines/practices played a part in this? Something else? A rule of life is not… a self-improvement program a straitjacket a new reason to beat yourself up It should be challenging but realistic You already have a rule of life A spiritual Rule of Life…is the checklist of […]

Rector’s Sabbatical: Preparing for Going Out and Inviting In

[…] Kaiser Permanente, as well as my son Desmond’s graduation from Seattle Prep, and my daughter Margaret’s graduation from Washington State University.  We are all looking forward to new and exciting beginnings this coming year. And mine will be with you all, together, writing the next chapter of Epiphany in the city of Seattle. That […]

Palm Sunday 1100 2023

[…] want to invite you to connect with Jesus who was scared and anxious and disappointed; who suffered mightily, and yet never robbed anyone he met of their freedom to act beautifully or terribly. My prayer is that you meditate on the high priest and where he fits into your life. That you meditate upon […]

Sundayevensong 2.11.24

[…] Hall Join others for an hour of learning. Topics vary each week from spiritual formation, human interest, current affairs, and more. Choral Evensong | Sundays | 5:30 –6:30 pm | Church and YouTube Sung at the close of day in cathedrals and churches throughout the world, Choral Evensong is a service of Evening Prayer, […]

Sundayevensong 3.3.24

[…] Hall Join others for an hour of learning. Topics vary each week from spiritual formation, human interest, current affairs, and more. Choral Evensong | Sundays | 5:30 –6:30 pm | Church and YouTube Sung at the close of day in cathedrals and churches throughout the world, Choral Evensong is a service of Evening Prayer, […]

Sundayevensong 4.14.24

[…] beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. All are seated. THE SECOND LESSON : 1 John 2:7-17 Beloved, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment that you have had from the beginning; the old commandment is the word that you have heard. Yet I am writing […]

Sundayevensong 7.14.24

[…] into convulsions and crying with a loud voice, came out of him. They were all amazed, and they kept on asking one another, ‘What is this? A new teaching—with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.’ The people remain seated. THE NUNC DIMITTIS: Short Service Gibbons Lord, now lettest thou […]

Epiphany Celebrates Easter Dinner

[…] ball around the butter to gloss is, cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and allow the dough to rise for perhaps 1-1/2 hours in a warm, draft- free place, or until the dough ha s doubled in bulk. Afterward, punch down the dough and divide it into 18 pieces. Roll the pieces in your […]

YWCA Adopt-A-Family Sign-Ups Are Here!

Sherilyn Peterson   As far back as I can remember, Epiphany has generously helped YWCA shelter families with seasonal giving.  Par ishioners provide cheery Easter baskets. At the end of Summer we provision, stuff and deliver back-to-school backpacks. We collect pumpkins, costumes, candy and carving toys for Halloween.  We provide generous baskets of food […]