Harrowing Of Hell

Funeral Booklet

Burial Service Planning Form Diane Carl isle Liturgical Coordinator | Epiphany Parish of Seattle 206- 324-2573 or 206- 617-4994 verger@epiphanyseattle.org Epiphany Memorial/Funeral Information Full name________________________________________ Gender________ Age________ Baptized? Yes____ No____ Confirmed? Yes____ No____ Communicant ? Yes____ No____ Last residence________________________________________________________ Date of birth_________________________ Date of death________________________ Cause of death________________________ Date of service_______________________ Time of Service […]

Mp Book Marks

[…] 91-96 #’s 15-21 13 Apostle’s Creed p. 96 14 Lord’s Prayer p. 97 15 Suffrages A or B p. 97-98 17 Collect of the Day p. 98-100 18 Collect of Intercession p. 100-101 19 Silence for Personal Intercession 20 General Thanksgiving or St. Chrysostom p. 101-102 21 Blessing p. 102 22 Concluding Sentence p. 102

Mp Order Of Service

[…] assigned 17 Collect of the Day p. 98-100 unision assigned Friday, Saturday, Sunday or by choice 18 Collect of Intercession p. 100-101 unision by choice 19 Silence for Personal Intercession 20 Closing Prayer p. 101-102 unision General Thanksgiving or St. Chrysostom by choice 21 Blessing p. 102 presider responsively 22 Concluding Sentence p. 102 […]

Mp Book Marks + Order Of Service

[…] Gospel Apostle’s Creed p. 96 Lord’s Prayer p. 97 Suffrages A or B p. 97-98 Collect of the Day p. 98-100 Collect of Intercession p. 100-101 Silence for Personal Intercession p. 102 Absolution ( plural ) p. 82-84 Setting up prayers #’s 15-21 General Thanksgiving or St. Chrysostom p. 101-102 presider unision presider using […]

Homily for the Feast of the Annunciation

[…] of yeses instead of a line that points toward one particular place? Where might a string of yeses lead? When the Archangel Gabriel visited Mary with the news that she was to become the mother of Jesus, said yes without being able to fathom the full depth of what her answer would mean. She […]

Meyer Memorial 2

[…] him reminds us of our own mortality And that love is enduring. We give thanks that our love for Paul draws us together And gives us a new appreciation of one another And of the beauty and fragility of relationships Time’s tide may wash his footprints from the shore But not our love for […]

Christmas Eve Festival

[…] is safe to sing together again. Music at Epiphany resumes January 5. Hatha Yoga | Wednesdays | 10:00 am | on Zoom Michael Glass This is a free class with an all-levels approach. Beginners are welcome. Be sure to get out your yoga mat and to wear loose comfortable clothing. The class will meet […]

Easter Evensong

[…] Corinthians 5:6b-8 Do you not know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough? Clean out the old yeast so that you may be a new batch, as you really are unleavened. For our paschal lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed. Therefore, let us celebrate the fes – tival, not with the old […]

Backpacks 2021

[…] barrel 1 USB Flash Drive To participate, y ou can provide either:  A fully provisioned backpack A donation to help us buy backpack s and supplies ( NEW!!! Check out https://epiphanyseattle.org/about/give/ to donate online!) Some of the items listed above ( please email a list of what you donated to Ann McCurdy ( ann@frostymoose.com […]