Harrowing Of Hell

Spiritual Direction: Want to go Deeper?

[…] free of charge. Spiritual direction sessions are normally an hour long. Henri Nouwen said, “The goal of spiritual direction is spiritual formation—the ever-increasing capacity to live a spiritual life from the heart.” If you find yourself desiring greater closeness to God and a life lived from the heart –or just more informationcontact Susan at spitchford@epiphanyseattle.org.

Exodus PPT from Thursday Class

To p i c s f o r To d a y ( 1 0 / 5 )•Where we have been and where we are going•H istoricity•Exodus•Near East Timeline•Arguments for possible historical exodus•Arguments against historical exodus•How to Read Exodus•Exodus: Narrative Review•Exodus: Themes•Exodus: Role of Women•Ta ke a w a y s NavigationWhere have we […]

Civil Rights Pilgrimage

Epiphany Civil Rights Pilgrimage Epiphany par ishioners will travel to Alabama August 13 – 18 for immersive learning about events in Alabama and throughout the South in the 1950s and 60s that culminated in the ultimate passage of the 1964 National Civil Rights Act and the 1965 National Voting Rights Act. On this five […]