Harrowing Of Hell

Ascension Sunday

May 17, 2015, The Rev. Kate Wesch (5 pm service)

The disciples’ minds were opened to truly understand Jesus’ teachings. Jesus is ascending and Jesus is blessing us. My assumption is that the disciples understood the next step. And if not, they would in short order when the Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost which we will celebrate next Sunday. Jesus is preparing a place for us to go, but in the meantime, there is much for us to do here on earth.

Holy Monday 2015: Fear of Missing Out

March 30, 2015, Elizabeth Walker preaching

In tonight’s Gospel, we hear about Mary and Martha welcoming Jesus into their home after Jesus raised their brother Lazarus from the dead. It is a celebratory gathering, as you might expect, in the wake of a family member’s resurrection from death. But, as would be expected in a Gospel that kicks off Holy Week, there is an element of gravity too; Judas questions the actions of Mary, who showed ultimate respect for Jesus by washing his feet—with her hair—using expensive perfume.

Pentecost: The Church Becomes a Shame-Free Zone

June 8, 2014, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

This week’s sermon is on Pentecost. The text is from Acts 2, when Peter gives his first sermon in Jerusalem after the Holy Spirit empowers the disciples. “Today I’d like to suggest that Epiphany can be a Shame-Free Zone.”

The Holy and The Human

February 23, 2014, The Rev. Kate Wesch & The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

In The Saint John’s Bible, on the second page showing Leviticus 19, there is a little bird in the margin. It has a rope in its talons running down the side of the text and at the bottom it is attached to a box of text. The bird’s beak points to the place above where the text should be inserted. This is one of my favorite things about this work of art. It is holy and yet, it is human like we are.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

December 8, 2013, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

Today I invite you to ask yourself, “Do I want to live small or do I want to live large?” That is the question we contemplate in the season of Advent as we await the coming of God into the world and into our lives…“Do I want to live small or do I want to live large?”

Holy Trinity

May 26, 2013, The Rev Kate Wesch preaching

She thought about it for a minute, and then predictably asked, “What’s the Holy Spirit?” Excellent question. Now, how on earth do I explain the Holy Spirit to a toddler? “The Holy Spirit is a very special gift from Jesus. The Holy Spirit is always with us. It’s like we are carrying around a small piece of God everywhere we go. It reminds us that God loves us.” “God loves us,” she repeated and then eagerly made plans to wear her bright red “Wonder Woman” t-shirt to church.