Harrowing Of Hell

Funeral Booklet 2024

[…] tenor) CHORAL SELECTIONS: *selections with an asterisk indicate a need for more than quartet of singers (preferably twelve) Abendlied — Josef Rheinberger * And I saw a new heaven — Edgar Bainton Ave Maria — Franz Biebl * Beati quorum via — Charles Villiers Stanford * Cantique de Jean Rac ine — Gabriel Faur […]

7 Easter 1100 2024

[…] chalice bearer to dip it into the wine and place it on your tongue. The people’s response to receiving the bread and the wine is “Amen.” Gluten- free wafers are available at the altar rail. To indicate to the Eucharistic Minister that you would like a gluten-free wafer, please present your hands palms down. […]

Holy Trinity1100 2024

[…] and place it on your tongue. Self-intinction is strongly discouraged by the Episcopal church. The people’s response to receiving the bread and the wine is “Amen.” Gluten- free wafers are available. To indicate to the Eucharistic minister that you would like a gluten-free wafer, please present your hands palms down. Those who do not […]

Nominees for the Vestry Class of 2024

[…] active relationship with God.   Vernon Barback I have been fortunate to live in many different places including Nigeria, Ireland, the UK and Japan as well as New York/New Jersey and now Seattle. My career has always been based in financial services but I am glad that it has offered me a variety of […]

Tenebrae 2024

THE OFFICE OF TENEBRAE Epiphany Seattle ✠ March 27, 2024 The ministers enter the church in silence and proceed to their places. The Office then begins immediately with the Antiphon on the first Psalm. It is customary to sit for the Psalmody. The First Nocturn Psalm 69: 1 -14 Antiphon: Zeal for your house […]


[…] with Honey Babe: come at 5:30pm to meet together to enjoy this great concert.   We will have a special area for our gathering.  Food can be ordered from the Ukrainian Church menu, or bring your own. Next Meeting Saturday, Sept 7th, 2024 May 6 Wrap Up Notes Img 3555 Img 3553 Img 3549 Img 3544

Funeral Booklet 2024

[…] tenor) CHORAL SELECTIONS: *selections with an asterisk indicate a need for more than quartet of singers (preferably twelve) Abendlied — Josef Rheinberger * And I saw a new heaven — Edgar Bainton Ave Maria — Franz Biebl * Beati quorum via — Charles Villiers Stanford * Cantique de Jean Rac ine — Gabriel Faur […]

Parishioner Grant Application And Budget Forms 2024 (1)

Parishioner Grant Application Form Please provide all requested information and return this form and all supporting documentation to the Service & Outreach mail b ox in the Christie House church office by Sunday, July 28 , 202 4 . You may type your responses in this document or print the blank forms and clearly […]

Holy Land Pilgrimage 2024 Faq

[…] I jo in th e p ilg rim age la te o r le ave e arly ? A . T he e xp ecta tio n is th at y o u w ill b e a p art o f th e p ilg rim ag e fr o m b egin […]