Harrowing Of Hell

2 Epiphany 11 2024

[…] Hall Join others for an hour of learning. Topics vary each week from spiritual formation, human interest, current affairs, and more. Choral Evensong | Sundays | 5:30 –6:30 pm | Church and YouTube Sung at the close of day in cathedrals and churches throughout the world, Choral Evensong is a service of Evening Prayer, […]

14 Pentecost 1100 2024

[…] miss this chance ofenchantm ent.Join usfor The Banjo Killers at Epiphany Chapel!Doorsopenat7:30, Music at8:00. Tickets are $30.00. Please scantheQR Code topurchase tickets. AnnualAllClean |Saturday |September 7|10:00 am –12:00 pm|Courtyard A ll Clean isan opportunity tocom etogether withother parishioners ofall ages tospruce upour cam pus in anticipation ofKick-of fS unday inthe Fall. This prom isestobe […]

6 Epiphany 11 2024

[…] Hall Join others for an hour of learning. Topics vary each week from spiritual formation, human interest, current affairs, and more. Choral Evensong | Sundays | 5:30 –6:30 pm | Church and YouTube Sung at the close of day in cathedrals and churches throughout the world, Choral Evensong is a service of Evening Prayer, […]

Palm Sunday 1100 2024

[…] and place it on your tongue. Self-intinction is strongly discouraged by the Episcopal church. The people’s response to receiving the bread and the wine is “Amen.” Gluten- free wafers are available. To indicate to the Eucharistic minister that you would like a gluten-free wafer, please present your hands palms down. Those who do not […]

2 Easter 1100 2024

[…] and fun. We work on individual projects as well as prayer shawls and hats for local ministries. All are welcome! Zoom Bible Study | Thursdays | 11:00 –noon | Zoom Join other parishioners from Epiphany and parishioners from St. John’s in Essex, Connecticut for a Zoom only study class on the Bible. This class […]

11 Pentecost 1100 2024

[…]      &   /  0120 3)4566 27 87      Text: Michael Perry, 1942 –1996, © 1982, The Jubilate Group (admin. by Hope Publishing Company) Tune: THAXTED, 13 13 13 13 13 13; Gustav Holst, 18741934   […]

Ash Wednesday Pm 2024

[…] Lord? Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see […]

Easter Day 2024

[…] full and complete necessity of human choice, for there is no love if there is no authentic choice; o and so, Jesus honors at every encounter human freedom; o which, ultimately, ends him on the cross, for out of love, he does not deny the selfish preference of others, even unto his own death; […]

3 Easter 1100 2024

[…] and fun. We work on individual projects as well as prayer shawls and hats for local ministries. All are welcome! Zoom Bible Study | Thursdays | 11:00 –noon | Zoom Join other parishioners from Epiphany and parishioners from St. John’s in Essex, Connecticut for a Zoom only study class on the Bible. This class […]