Harrowing Of Hell

5 Epiphany 11 2024

[…] Hall Join others for an hour of learning. Topics vary each week from spiritual formation, human interest, current affairs, and more. Choral Evensong | Sundays | 5:30 –6:30 pm | Church and YouTube Sung at the close of day in cathedrals and churches throughout the world, Choral Evensong is a service of Evening Prayer, […]

Palm Sunday 845 2024

[…] and place it on your tongue. Self-intinction is strongly discouraged by the Episcopal church. The people’s response to receiving the bread and the wine is “Amen.” Gluten- free wafers are available. To indicate to the Eucharistic minister that you would like a gluten-free wafer, please present your hands palms down. Those who do not […]

5 Easter 1100 2024

[…] chalice bearer to dip it into the wine and place it on your tongue. The people’s response to receiving the bread and the wine is “Amen.” Gluten- free wafers are available at the altar rail. To indicate to the Eucharistic Minister that you would like a gluten-free wafer, please present your hands palms down. […]

2 Pentecost 1100 2024

[…] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 joy – death world heaven wakes ful to is a- to sound; save; freed; bove. light. œ 3 4 p3 r3 4 3 3 4 Words: Jonathan Friedrich Bahnmaier (1774-1841); St. 4, F. Bland Tucker (1895-1984) Music: melody from Geistreiches […]

6 Easter 1100 2024

[…] chalice bearer to dip it into the wine and place it on your tongue. The people’s response to receiving the bread and the wine is “Amen.” Gluten- free wafers are available at the altar rail. To indicate to the Eucharistic Minister that you would like a gluten-free wafer, please present your hands palms down. […]

Music List 2024 2025

[…] or none, are warmly welcomed. Outstanding musical education While we sing as a group, we stress the musical development of each individual musician. Every week, choristers receive free training in vocal technique and music reading skills, giving each child the foundation for a lifetime of performance and enjoyment of music. Life skills Beyond musical […]

Parishioner Grant Application Guidelines 2024 (1)

Service & Outreach Parishioner Grant Application Guidel ines , 2024 Page 1 of 2 Parishioner -Sponsored Grant Application Guidelines Epiphany’s annual Have a Heart fundraising event, first held in February 2011, grew out of a desire to provide financial help to several nonprofit organizations whose work engaged members of our parish. As the parish […]

Good Friday 2024

[…] Sanders (1933-2003) O my people, what have I done to you? How have I offended you? Answer me! I led you out of Egypt, from slavery to freedom, but you led your Saviour to the cross. O my people, what have I done to you? How have I offended you? Answer me! Holy is […]

Funeral Booklet 2024

[…] tenor) CHORAL SELECTIONS: *selections with an asterisk indicate a need for more than quartet of singers (preferably twelve) Abendlied — Josef Rheinberger * And I saw a new heaven — Edgar Bainton Ave Maria — Franz Biebl * Beati quorum via — Charles Villiers Stanford * Cantique de Jean Rac ine — Gabriel Faur […]