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Racial Reconciliation Library—A New Timely Book

We just received a copy of Sophie Williams’ new book “Anti-Racist Ally: an Introduction to Activism and Action.” This pocket-sized guide gives straightforward answers to questions and practical actions you can… Read More

Update to COVID-19 Check-In Process

We are no longer requiring registration for the in-person services. All attendees will need to check-in and will be seated by an usher. Please arrive early to ease the seating… Read More

Freedom in Christ

In all honesty, I have struggled to write this short sermon.  And it hasn’t been because of typical reasons, for example, performance anxiety, or the fact that this is the… Read More

A Perfect Season for Consideration

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….” In some ways, the words of Charles Dickens capture the essence of this pandemic for our nation. Indeed,… Read More