Harrowing Of Hell
February 17, 2023

Lent with Intent

Lent is a season of self-reflection and spiritual growth that lasts for 40 days before Easter Sunday. But why? Why do we mark this season? The answer lies in the the story we tell throughout the liturgical year: If Christmas was our celebration of the Incarnation, then Lent is the time we live into its meaning. In these 40 days we remember how Christ experienced the very depths of his being “made man,” and in doing so, we reflect on the very heart of our being made “in God’s image.”

For centuries, Christians have practiced spiritual exercises during Lent, such as fasting and other forms of abstinence, as well as prayer and acts of charity. Lent is thus a time to draw closer to God, turn away from distracting patterns, and focus on what’s most core to our souls.

Approach this Lent with intent by adding a spiritual exercise into your daily pattern, such as committing to twice weekly worship: Thursdays at 6:00 pm and Sundays at 8:45 am, 11:00 am, or 5:30 pm, in gratitude for this deeper soul connection to God.

Lenten Calendar


February 22 | Ash Wednesday | 7:30 pm * | Church
Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes. Reconciliation of a penitent (Confession) will be available following the service.


February 26, March 2, 12, 19, 26, April 2 | Inquirers’ Class | 4:00 pm | Great Hall
This is a class for anyone who wants to be part of a discussion about our church, our denomination, and our religion as it relates to this community, and our lives beyond these sacred walls.


February 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28 | Book Study | 6:30 pm | Zoom
Join Lisa Ozaeta for a book study of The Way of the Carmelites: A Prayer Journey Through Lent by Fr. James McCaffrey


March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 | Holy Eucharist | 6:00 pm | Chapel
Thursdays during Lent we offer a service of Holy Eucharist, complete with readings, prayers, a guest homilist, Holy Communion, and music.


March 12 – 18 | Pray Seattle | Prayer | March 12, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, March 13 – 18, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm | Chapel
During Lent churches across the city are open for prayer and quiet reflection. This week it’s Epiphany’s turn.


April 1 | Feast of St. Lazarus | 9:00 Story of Lazarus, 11:00 Holy Eucharist | Great Hall and Church
Come hear Doyt teach about Lazarus as the possible author of Gospel of John and why this matters. We will conclude with a Holy Eucharist celebrating the Feast of St. Lazarus.


April 2 | Palm Sunday | 8:45 * and 11:00 am | Church
This service begins with the Palm procession and thus begins our observance of Holy Week.


April 3 | Stations of the Cross | 7:30 pm | Chapel and Zoom
Experience the Way of the Cross through scripture reading, prayers, and quiet time of prayer and meditation.

April 4 | Taizé | 7:30 pm * | Church
Join the Epiphany Choir for chanting, readings, candle lighting, and prayers


April 5 | Tenebrae | 7:30 pm * | Church
Latin for “Darkness”, Tenebrae is an ancient service of prayer in which candles are gradually extinguished.


April 6 | Maundy Thursday and Agape Meal | 6:00 pm Meal, 7:00 pm* Holy Eucharist | Great Hall and Church
Join your Epiphany family for a simple soup supper in the Great Hall followed by a service of Holy Eucharist which will include foot washing and stripping of the altar.


April 6 | Watchnight | Following the Maundy Thursday Service until noon on Good Friday | Chapel and Zoom
Come spend some time in the chapel keeping watch with Christ. The body of Christ (bread) will be placed on the altar amongst flowers in the Garden of Repose.


April 7 | Good Friday Reading of the Gospels | Noon | Fireside Room
Take turns reading the Gospels from The Saint John’s Bible. Come for the entire reading or just a portion.


April 7 | Good Friday | 7:30 pm* | Church
Hear the Passion and venerate the cross. Reconciliation of a penitent (Confession) will be available following the service.


April 8 | The Great Vigil of Easter | 8:00 pm * | Church (incense will be used)
Enter a darkened church for the Liturgy of the Word and Baptisms, and ring out Easter joy with bells as we celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter!


April 9 | Easter Holy Eucharist | 8:45 * and 11:00 am | Church
Celebrate Easter with a Festival Eucharist. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch between the services.


Easter Evensong | 5:30 pm* | Church
A perfect ending to Holy Week. Join the Epiphany Choir for a beautiful service of music, readings, and prayers.


* Services will be livestreamed.