Harrowing Of Hell

Last Sunday after the Epiphany: Sermon Summary and Reflection Questions

Kate’s sermon calls us to pay attention to the mysterious moments in life when God feels close—what she lovingly calls “woo-woo moments.” These are the times when something stirs deep in our souls, beyond words, like the disciples experienced at the Transfiguration. She reminds us that mountains have always been special places to meet God,

Instructed Eucharist: Sermon Summary and Reflection Questions

Today’s sermon was preached within the context of an Instructed Eucharist service. We worship as acknowledgment that there is a God; that God is bigger than we are; that God made us, cares about us, and loves us; and so, in joy and gratitude, worship is the time-honored way of saying thank you. We worship

The Feast of Candlemas: Sermon Summary and Reflection Questions

Kate’s Candlemas sermon invites us to step into the sacred moment when Mary and Joseph bring the infant Jesus to the Temple. Mary, raised in the Temple herself, returns to the place of her childhood, carrying the Messiah. Joseph, a faithful and steadfast man, walks beside her, honoring both Jewish tradition and God’s unfolding mystery.

Second Sunday after the Epiphany: Sermon Summary and Reflection Questions

In his sermon, Doyt encourages us to embrace the practice of “waiting for it,” trusting in God’s timing and framework, even when life feels uncertain or out of control. He contrasts our cultural tendencies, like Alexander Hamilton’s relentless drive to control and achieve, with Mary’s faithful patience at the wedding in Cana. When the wine

Baptism of our Lord: Sermon Summary and Reflection Questions

In today’s sermon, Kate invites us to reflect on the profound gift of baptism and the role it plays in our lives. She begins with a story about a backpacking trip with her son, where a broken water filter left them vulnerable and reminded them of how essential water is for survival. From this, she