Harrowing Of Hell

I grew up Catholic. What should I expect?

Services are very similar to what you grew up with except we have women priests and married priests. Another difference is that all people are welcome to receive communion. You will see some people genuflecting and/or crossing themselves during the service, and some not. We do have confession, but it is not required to take

How do I become a member?

Name it and claim it. If this is your spiritual home, where you come to praise God and practice your spiritual life, then you are a member. What this means for most people is that you attend worship regularly, contribute financially by way of a yearly pledge, and get involved in our common life. Our

Who can take communion?

Anyone!  If you are who you are, which is created by God as a child of God, then you are welcome to receive the bread and wine at Epiphany.  The technical, theological term is Open Table, meaning all people regardless of religious background are welcome to receive communion. Gluten free wafers are available. If you

Pasi Organ in the Chapel

The organ in the chapel was installed in 2016 by Tacoma-based organ builder Martin Pasi. Its action is mechanical and its construction is based on the same time-honored principles of the organ in the church. Click here for a stoplist and more information.

Noack Organ in the Church

The organ in the church was installed in 1997 by American organ builder Fritz Noack. It’s playing action is mechanical, which allows for optimum control of the speech of the pipes from the player. The tonal design of the Noack allows it to comfortably play music of a variety of styles and time periods. Click


In 2010 a spinet harpsichord was donated by parishioner Bill Hoppin. It was replaced by Mr. Hoppin in 2014 by a full-size, Flemish-style harpsichord from the workshop of Frank Hubbard in Boston. Its exterior finish was restored in 18th-century antique style under the direction of parishioner and antique specialist David Weatherford. It is currently at


Epiphany is fortunate to have seven grand pianos (three Steinways, one Kawai, one Steiff, and two Chickerings), and one Baldwin spinet piano on campus. Most notable are the Kawai in the choir room, the Steinway in the church, and the 1901 Hamburg Steinway in the Chapel.

Lesson Scholarship Information

Several scholarships for tuition-free instrumental study at the Epiphany Music Academy are available to choristers willing to meet the attendance and practice requirements. We are fortunate to have the Epiphany Music Academy on our campus, giving our choristers access to world-class faculty on a variety of instruments. Chorister scholarships are funded by Music at Epiphany,

Rehearsal & Service Schedule

Choristers rehearse every Thursday from September to May and sing at the 8:45 am service about twice a month. For more information, please contact Laura Sargent, Music Department Coordinator, at lsargent@epiphanyseattle.org