Harrowing Of Hell

The Road to Emmaus

May 4, 2014, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

So I was wondering a couple of things this week as I was considering the Gospel. I was wondering why Cleopas and his companion were going to Emmaus. I was wondering why Cleopas and his companion didn’t recognize Jesus on the road. And I was wondering why they knew Jesus in the bread breaking, and why this compelled them to run back to Jerusalem. That is what I’ve been wondering this week. Why they were going to Emmaus? Why didn’t they know Jesus? And what about the breaking of bread sent them running back to Jerusalem?

“Do Not Doubt, But Believe”

April 27, 2014, The Rev. Kate Wesch preaching

Last Sunday, on Easter Sunday, Doyt preached about doubt. He poached my gospel reading on doubting Thomas. Sounds like an odd topic for the Day of the Resurrection, but it wasn’t.


April 20, 2014, The Rev Doyt Conn

Doubt comes to my mind today, as I consider Mary Magdalene. I wonder what was running through her head as she went back to tell the disciples what she had experienced. I am sure some doubt was present.

The Great Vigil

April 19, 2014, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

Prayers, fire, thanksgiving, stories, birth, water, a small meal, death, they all come together on this most holy night and are given meaning by the Resurrection. It is the next step in the process, in the evolution. Resurrection is the new thing. It is not resuscitation; it is transformation into an eternal form. The Great Vigil of Easter gathers up all that is old; all that is foundational and fundamental and rolls it together and marks it as God’s own forever. Tonight we celebrate the new fire, the new light, the new insight that Jesus gives us. We are drawn into Resurrection. It makes everything else make sense.

Good Friday 2014

April 18, 2014, The Rev. Kate Wesch preaching

When we chase away the darkness, we miss out on opportunities to experience God and God’s creation in a myriad of ways. Our streetlights rob us of seeing the stars. Our screens keep us from engaging one another. Our constant stream of lights trailing before and behind us, inhibit us from even noticing God in the dark places of our lives. Tonight is a night for darkness. In these hours between now and Easter, I invite you to step into the darkness. Let it surround and envelop you. And while you are there, pray; listen and pray.

Maundy Thursday 2014

April 17, 2014, The Rev. Kate Wesch preaching

How do you know a Christian when you see one? When you meet someone at your child’s school, at a new job, or in your book group, how do they know you are a Christian before you even tell them? Upon meeting someone new in Seattle, you probably don’t lead with a testimonial or invite them to church….that comes later, if at all. It is likely that you don’t even reveal that you are a church goer until you know them quite well. So, how do they know?

Coming Out of the Cave of Competition

April 6, 2014, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

Now caves don’t always look like caves. More likely they look like our “go to” defense mechanism when we feel threatened or exposed. That is the cave we occupy, and we don’t have to; even when we are afraid; so maybe today is the day to consider coming out of that cave. There is a man out here who is calling your name. He is the same man who is calling my name, and the same man who called to Lazarus “come out!” “Lazarus, come out of that cave!” His name is Jesus, and when we’re with him it is impossible to be afraid.

Sabbath Keeping and Self-Examination

March 30, 2014, The Rev. Kate Wesch preaching

We had a day of true Sabbath on this campus yesterday as nearly 20 people gathered for a Lenten Quiet Day. From 10 till 5, we prayed together, ate together, meditated, daydreamed, studied, and rested….all in silence. It was a lovely experience and offered a taste of what Sabbath rest was like in Jesus’ day.

The First Evangelist

March 23, 2014, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

She runs to the village, calling: “come and see!” Come and see Jesus – not a temple in Jerusalem, not doctrines of Judaism, not a cult, a practice or a mountaintop – but a person, Jesus, from whom the living water flows. She does this by telling her story: that Jesus knew her as she really was, and loved her anyway, and gave her living water to drink. Come and see. Come and see.