Harrowing Of Hell
November 7, 2020

Welcome to our New Website

Dear Epiphany,

Welcome to EpiphanySeattle.org. We have a new website.

It was built to be an online spiritual center of gravity around which your spiritual journey can orbit.

This has been a project with a long, long gestation period; that said, I think it came into being at just the right time. Why would I say that?  As I’ve written to you before, what is being unveiled by this Great Timeout is the convergence of two movements in the Church: the need to be both hyper-local and universally-connected.  Our new website is the meeting place for our worldwide presence, but it is also tuned to be a useful tool to our present and practicing members. It was fitting that the design concept you see before you today became a crystal-clear vision in our minds this past Pentecost Sunday.

And so, this website was built to be helpful for: watching worship services, accessing the calendar, registering for whatever you need to register for, using the phone directory, looking up past sermons and articles and videos … and so much more.  And the big bonus is that it really works well on your smartphone!

The visual design, as you will note, is an extension of The Saint John’s Bible, our parish Bible, that we use every Sunday. Thank you Alice Gautsch Foreman for bringing that sacred book to Epiphany, and to Brad Neary for helping us curate the art on the website. The illuminations used throughout give this digital space a venerable and timeless atmosphere, a vision that came from Barbara Cairns and her team at Pyramid Communications. For months and months, her project manager, designers, writers, and engineers worked with the staff at Epiphany to create a flexible, easy-to-update, user-friendly, and beautiful site that looks and feels like Epiphany, and always, for the glory of God. We are grateful to them.

And so, explore this website. Put it to use. Share it with a friend… and most importantly, let it be to you one more avenue upon which to move along on your spiritual journey.

Peace upon your soul.
