Harrowing Of Hell

5 Lent 845

[…] Lector Greg Finger Eucharistic Ministers Margaret King, Barb Marshall, John Robinson Altar Guild Susan Bisyak Ushers Dwayne Shearer, Lorelle Shearer, Mike Simmons Readings for the Week of March 17 –March 23 3/17 Ezekiel 13-15 Psalm 34 3/18 Ezekiel 16-18 Psalm 35 3/19 Ezekiel 19-21 Psalm 36 3/20 Ezekiel 22-24 Psalm 37 3/21 Ezekiel 25-27 […]

4 Pentecost 845

[…] and place it on your tongue. Self-intinction is strongly discouraged by the Episcopal church. The people’s response to receiving the bread and the wine is “Amen.” Gluten- free wafers are available. To indicate to the Eucharistic minister that you would like a gluten-free wafer, please present your hands palms down. Those who do not […]

Great Vigil 22

[…] the king – dom that is me or that is you. We are the holders, the bearers of this light. But then something happens. Something miraculous. God’s freedom breaks forth. It does so in a way that bursts the bounds of all physics and chemistry and biology and even mystery. It does so in […]

Guide To Lent 2021

A GUIDE TO LENT 2021 Contents Throughout Lent Throughout Lent Throughout Lent Feb. 15, 17, Apr. 2 & 3 February 16 February 17 Daily (Mon.-Sat.) Daily (Mon.-Fri.) Tuesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays in Lent Thursdays in Lent Thursdays Thursdays in Lent Fridays Sundays in Lent Sundays Sundays Sundays Sundays February 27 February 21 March 28 March 29 […]

Tutu Memorial 1.22.2

[…] Christ end claim Christ the the to from shall � � � � � faith feast fear floor end of that and to di – Je – frees dan – raft – vi – sions: sus:us: ger: er: �� � � � � � All are wel – come, � � �� � � […]

1 Lent 845

T he F irsT s unday in L enT h oLy e ucharisT February 18, 2024 aT 8:45 am T he F irsT s unday in L enT Liturgical Changes in Lent In Lent, you will notice some differences in the liturgy and the way we worship at Epiphany. Since Lent is a season […]

2 Epiphany 845

[…] Hall Join others for an hour of learning. Topics vary each week from spiritual formation, human interest, current affairs, and more. Choral Evensong | Sundays | 5:30 –6:30 pm | Church and YouTube Sung at the close of day in cathedrals and churches throughout the world, Choral Evensong is a service of Evening Prayer, […]

12 Pentecost 845

[…] spiritual, but no t necessarily religious, designed to remind us that we are connected by our stories. Come. Come again. Bring a friend. Men’sBreakfast Group|Saturday ,August 17|8:00 –9:30 am|Great Hall T o the Men ofEpiphany! Weare gathering onSaturday ,August 17,8:009:30 amin the Great Hallforabreakfast andfellowship. Pleasecontact Amanda Eapat amanda@epiphanyseattle.org ifyou have anyquestions andwould liketo […]

15 Pentecost 845

[…] miss this chance ofenchantm ent.Join usfor The Banjo Killers at Epiphany Chapel!Doorsopenat7:30, Music at8:00. Tickets are $30.00. Please scantheQR Code topurchase tickets. AnnualAllClean |Saturday |September 7|10:00 am –12:00 pm|Courtyard A ll Clean isan opportunity tocom etogether withother parishioners ofall ages tospruce upour cam pus in anticipation ofKick-of fS unday inthe Fall. This prom isestobe […]