I think my attention span has atrophied during the pandemic, or maybe I’m just distracted by all the craziness in the world, or maybe my mind is just wearing out, but irrespective of cause, the reality is that bite-size information input is sometimes just better. And so, for those of you like me, I am putting together a Lenten daily offering that walks through the entire Gospel of Mark: five minutes at a time.
We will be posting these on all our social media platforms. Here is the link to the YouTube playlist.
Mark is an exciting, energizing Gospel. It was written fast, as if the author was compelled to immediately (that is a word you read often in this Gospel) get out of his mind and onto the paper everything he knew about Jesus. My hope through these daily reflections on Mark is to give you something to noodle over throughout your day, or maybe even something to consider during your daily prayers, or maybe to act
as a word that calls your attention to the Holy Spirit’s movement in your life.
The 10:00 am Sunday Forum on March 21 will be a session open to your questions on the Gospel of Mark and a time to share, if you so choose, your experience of this daily spiritual exercise. I do hope you’ll join me this Lent in experiencing the Gospel of Mark.