If you are interested in helping with building Tiny Homes, contact Jenny Cummins at jennycummins@gmail.com. If you are interested in learning more about the whole process, keep reading.
Barb Oliver, Sound Foundations NW leader has created a community of volunteer builders and an easy way to sign-up on line Wednesday evenings when the newsletter comes out. Sign up here: http://www.soundfoundationsnw.org
The newsletter provides weekly updates and includes a volunteer sign-up link if you’d like to try this out, apart from the Saturday Epiphany opportunities. Some of us volunteer time throughout the month. There are easy to follow processes with tools, safety gear, and leader instruction every step of the way. The Hope Factory is open from 9-3 every day except Friday and is located in SODO just off highway 99 due west from the SODO Costco (5 S. Nevada St.).
Tiny 8’x12’ homes cost $4300 to build, and the Hope Factory produces 3-5 per week. They become part of 30 to 60 home villages located throughout King County. Tiny Home villages support residents with a keyed, warm, safe, dry abode, in a community environment. Social services, laundry, shower, and kitchen facilities are available. Trust is built. And the typical stay is only 114 days, before most transition to permanent housing. Since the homes are built to last 20 years, each home will shelter 60 people in that time span. Tiny Homes are the most sought after placement by the majority of homeless people.
Thank you, Epiphany, for your generous contributions both in time, work, and money. Come be a part of the solution!