Harrowing Of Hell
March 9, 2022

Adult Formation in Lent

March 13, 20, 27, & April 3, 10 | Great Hall & Zoom
Lent is a season when Christians traditionally choose a spiritual discipline to practice, which we hope will draw us closer to God. We often think of this as a time of deprivation and sacrifice, but experimenting with spiritual disciplines can be a creative, even fun process. In this forum series, we’re going to take a step back and consider the whole idea of practicing spiritual disciplines. We’ll look at some familiar ones and some you may not have thought of. We’ll examine the purpose of them (transformation, not opportunities for failure and shame). And we’ll consider how to craft a “rule of life” that brings things we’re already doing (like attending church) together with things we might like to try. Join us for a time of discerning the structure of our spiritual lives as we walk together toward Holy Week and Easter.
  • 3/13: Why have a rule of life? Who needs more rules? This week we’ll look at how a rule of life provides structure to our spiritual practice. A simple approach is to divide our rule into disciplines that look up, out, and in.
  • 3/20: Before going into specific spiritual disciplines, we’ll look at the larger context of our faith practice: the liturgical calendar and worship.
  • 3/27: This week we’re looking at disciplines that look up: prayer, meditation, and other practices that connect us to God.
  • 4/3: This week we’ll consider disciplines that look inward, and help us see ourselves and our lives with clarity.
  • 4/10: In this final forum, we’ll consider disciplines that look out, in which we love our neighbors: community and actions that promote social justice.