Harrowing Of Hell


January 26, 2014, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

I consider humility a bellwether virtue in guiding us through an age of Reformation. So today I’ll talk about the age of Reformation in which we stand and humility as a virtue, and what it is when it is grounded and what it is when it is set adrift.

The Lamb of God That Takes Away The Sins of the World

January 19, 2014, The Rev. Doyt Conn

But if this at/one/ment means what it says, then being a follower of Jesus means saying I’m sorry. If God is willing to love us and forgive us permanently and perpetually, then our best response to this love is to do the same thing with our neighbor.

Becoming Servants of the Lord

January 12, 2014, Charissa Bradstreet, MDiv preaching

…the heart of God; that is the glorious possibility that Israel can embody. This Advent we have considered what it means to step away from ways of living small, and to boldly choose to live large. In this passage, Israel is offered a picture of what it means to live large.

The Feast of Epiphany and Our 100 Year Celebration

January 11, 2014, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

This is the feast of Epiphany. It is our Eponymous feast, or namesake feast, that we celebrate every year. But this year’s feast has increased significance as it marks the end of our 100 year building campaign. In truth Epiphany is a bit older than 100 years. She was founded in 1907. The Chapel was built in 1911. A timeline will be set at the back of the church after the service and I encourage you to take a look at it, and write on it. We have been handed a gem, a gift and tonight is the perfect night to celebrate what we have and what we are passing on.

Rituals and Change

December 24, 2013, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

My family doesn’t listen to Amahl and the Night Visitors. It is not a tradition I have maintained and that makes me a little sad. But rituals change. They come to life for a time to bring constancy against which we can be changed. That is the power of ritual. It stays the same so we can become more and more the person God created us to be. The rituals change as relationships ebb and flow, save one, the one we celebrate tonight.

How Can I Help You?

December 22, 2013, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

Jesus does this in two ways, by teaching us to ask the question “What can I do for you?” and by answering this question for us when we are stuck. Jesus teaches and Jesus saves, and this and this alone, allows us to live large. Here is a quick review of Jesus’s interactions in scripture. What is revealed to us is that over and over again he asks: “What can I do for you?” It is the question he asks the 10 Lepers, and Mary and Martha. It is the question he asks the father of the epileptic, and the blind man, and the bleeding woman, and the crippled man by the pool of Bethsaida. “What can I do for you?” It is a particular, unique question, asked to particular unique persons.

Trusting the Facts of God

December 15, 2013, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

I invite you to consider the facts of God: that God loves you; that God forgives you; that God empowers you; and that God will never leave you. Meditate upon these things. Consider what life might be like if they were true. Trust in God. What other choice do we have if we really want to live large?

The Power of the Holy Spirit

December 8, 2013, The Rev. Doyt Conn preaching

Today I invite you to ask yourself, “Do I want to live small or do I want to live large?” That is the question we contemplate in the season of Advent as we await the coming of God into the world and into our lives…“Do I want to live small or do I want to live large?”