Harrowing Of Hell
July 25, 2024

AI Summit at Epiphany

So much of life is about being at the right place at the right time, and then, being attuned to what God is asking of you. I received a telephone call eight weeks ago from the Director of TryTank, Lorenzo Lebrija, which is the research and development arm of Virginia Theological Seminary. He knows of Epiphany and was wondering if we might be available to host an AI Summit being convened in partnership by the Presbyterian Church USA, the ELCA, and VTS through TryTank. Seattle had been chosen as the city for the Summit because of the presence here this summer of Fr. Paolo Benanti, Pope Francis’ advisor on all things AI. Father Benanti had agreed to gather with this ecumenical group of theologians and priests to consider the role that Christian leaders play in the conversations around the development of artificial intelligence.

What they needed was a place to host the Summit, and we answered the call. The AI and the Church Summit runs from August 12 – 15.  In addition to panel discussions at Epiphany on topics such as: ‘Augmented Faith Leaders in a World that is Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and Incomprehensible,’The Developing Landscape and Trends for Christian Missional and Ministry Applications,’ and ‘Incarnation in the World of AI (to name a few), they will also be visiting Microsoft and to meet with an esteemed group of thinkers based here in Seattle called AI & Faith.  

Forty-five priests and theologians have been invited to this conference: fifteen from each denomination (including the Rev. Kate Wesch and myself as part of the Episcopalian cohort). For the time being, the conversations will be closed to allow the participants to get to know one another, to build trust, and to wrestle through issues authentically, with the goal of establishing common ground for ongoing conversations. That said, this Fall, Kate and I will be sharing our learnings and experience at one of the Sunday morning forums. Keep your eyes peeled for the time and date.

While we are fortunate that this entire conference is fully underwritten by the denominations participating in it, as well as a private grant, the Epiphany family is stepping up as hosts. Amanda Eap is coordinating these efforts.  If this something that you would like to help with, your presence would be greatly appreciated. Reach out to Amanda at amanda@epiphanyseattle.org.

There are at least two hoped for outcomes from this Summit. First, the formation of cohort groups of priests and theologians who will gather throughout the year to further think through the impact and expression of AI in the Church and the world.  And second, to share the fruit of this work with our broader Christian communities as a cohesive voice from the Episcopal, Catholic, Lutheran, and Presbyterian churches.  

It is a great honor for us to host this Summit, and to sit at the very center of one of the most exciting theological conversations of all times. 

Please keep this Summit in your prayers.  

Peace upon your souls.
