Harrowing Of Hell
December 22, 2024

Advent IV: Sermon Summary and Reflection Questions

Kate’s sermon for the last Sunday in Advent focuses on Mary’s Magnificat, drawing attention to its profound significance during this season and its relevance for our faith and lives today. She begins by sharing a moment of ‘epiphany’ while reading from The Saint John’s Bible last Sunday, when the imprint of the Magnificat seemed to shine through the page, symbolizing its depth and power. The Magnificat, a hymn of praise and thanksgiving, reflects Mary’s profound belief in God’s transformative work, celebrating mercy, justice, and the fulfillment of God’s promises to generations.

Kate invites us to see ourselves in Mary’s story, emphasizing our own worthiness and belovedness as children of God. She encourages reflection on how the Magnificat calls believers to magnify God in our lives by embodying faith, hope, and love. Just as Advent prepares hearts for the Incarnation, Mary’s response serves as a model for acknowledging God’s work in the world. By asking the congregation to imagine our own Magnificat, Kate challenges us to recognize God’s presence in our lives and to respond by lifting the lowly, filling the hungry, and trusting in God’s faithfulness. Her sermon concludes with an invitation to embody Mary’s example, preparing to receive Christ with hearts full of grace and love.

Reflection Questions for this Week:


  1. Mary’s Magnificat reflects her trust in God’s promises and her belief in God’s transformative work. How does Mary’s example challenge or inspire you to trust in God’s presence and promises in your own life?

  2. Kate invites us to imagine our own Magnificat by reflecting on how God is working in our lives. If you were to write your own hymn of praise and thanksgiving today, what would it include? What blessings or acts of God would you highlight?

  3. The sermon emphasizes seeing the world through God’s eyes—lifting the lowly, feeding the hungry, and embodying faith, hope, and love. How can Mary’s example influence the way you approach your relationships, community, or acts of service during this Advent season and beyond?