Harrowing Of Hell
August 12, 2024

The Grief Support Fellowship

Dear Epiphany,

In the church there are no boundaries that limit the ways in which we can care for one another. As a result, the church’s ministry parameters are unlimited. And so, the only way ministries come into being is if a leader steps up to call out a need and then gathers a group of people around them to own and implement in a way that cares for and connects the community. 

Karen Summerville is one such leader, and by her efforts she has drawn together a remarkable and experienced team to form a new ministry called the Grief Support Fellowship.  

Grief is a universal human experience, one that touches the very core of our being. In times of loss, we are reminded of our vulnerability and our need for community. By empowering trained lay pastors to lead this Fellowship, we acknowledge that the work of comforting the brokenhearted is not reserved for clergy alone but is a sacred calling for all believers.

This ministry aligns with our parish’s commitment to being a spiritual oasis of Christian hospitality, supporting all people wherever they are on their spiritual journey. Our lay pastors, all of whom have their own experience of grief, bring a unique authenticity and relatability to this ministry. They serve as living testimonies to the healing power of God’s love and the strength found in community.

So how does this ministry work?

  • When a person going through grief is identified, and they have agreed to be connected to the Grief Support Fellowship, Diane Carlisle will make the introduction to a Fellowship pastor. 
  • This lay pastor will then initiate contact through a meeting, email, or telephone call. 
  • The relationship between the Fellowship pastor and the person suffering grief will continue until such time as it naturally subsides or the person moving through the grief feels they are ready to move on.
  • The Grief Support Fellowship is a beautiful expression of the body of Christ in action, where we bear one another’s burdens and, in doing so, express and share the love of Jesus. 

If you have any questions about the Grief Support Fellowship, please contact Karen Summerville at kjsummer@icloud.com or Diane Carlisle at verger@epiphanyseattle.org.

Peace upon your soul.

Yours in Christ,
