We invite you to join us for the new season of the Women’s Retreat Group. We gather monthly, 9:00 to 11:00 am at the Christie House Library or by Zoom, unless otherwise noted, starting Saturday, September 10. We welcome all women of Epiphany to join us in a series of fellowship and insight gatherings over a light breakfast, coffee, and tea. Our sessions lead to two retreats; the first a one-day in-town retreat in mid-November: and the second a three-day retreat at Hood Canal in mid-April.
In addition to discussion and discernment around bible readings, our liturgical calendar, and fellowship, we also highlight and celebrate the many helping hands that enable our church to run smoothly and learn how we may pitch in. Our goal is to get to know each other and our parish better.
After chats, coffee, and nibbles, we pray the Saturday morning Hour by Hour, have a quick show and tell on the Liturgical Calendar, then move through the meditations based on scripture readings from the lectionary from the Psalms, Old Testament, and New Testament in the Forward Day by Day.
Here’s our schedule of meeting at the Christie House Library or via Zoom:
September 10
October 1
November 5: Discernment Retreat (9:00 am to 1:00 pm)
December 3
January 7
February 4
March 4
April 14 – 16: Retreat, St. Andrew’s House
May 6
June 3
RSVP: Amanda Eap at amanda@epiphanyseattle.org or (206) 324-2573.
September Lead/Feed/Tech team
Elizabeth Roberts will lead; Ann Beck will feed; and Mary McGuire will be the Zoom convener.
Childcare Coordination:
Alvin Moseberry will lead our childcare team. Please let Amanda know by September 1
if you plan to bring your child/children and their ages, and any other detail you feel relevant, etc.
Special Guest, Sally Clarke: Behind the Scenes at Alter Guild.
The Altar Guild is primarily responsible for preparing the table for Holy Eucharist. Sally will share
incomparable insights and help us learn about this function and how we may be involved.
Forward Day by Day for 9/10/22
Bible Verse Links: Psalm 55 138, 139:1-17 (18-23)| Job 38:1-17| Acts 15:22-35| John 11:45-54
RSVP & Childcare links here
Zoom Link here
Together we are in Christ,
Karen Forbes, Mary McGuire, Ann Beck
Elizabeth Roberts, Ellie Kniffin, Valerie Conn