Fun Fact #1: How Newcomers Find Epiphany
At the Newcomers Event that took place at Doyt’s house this week, we asked the folks gathered there to share how they found Epiphany, and this is what they said:
- Hearing an ad on King FM.
- Attending an Epiphany Music Academy recital.
- Learning about us from the Music Director at their Episcopal parish in Washington, DC.
- Sitting at the bus stop on Sunday morning and realizing that a church service was about to start.
- Finding our website.
- Seeing a post about us on TikTok.
- Buying a house in the neighborhood and seeing Epiphany while taking a walk.
- Working at the house of a parishioner and noticing a service streamed on YouTube, asking them about it, then deciding to check us out.
We all have an Epiphany story.
With your pledge, we can welcome even more people who will tell their own.
Fun Fact #2: Evensong at Epiphany in Madrona and the World!
- Every week, our 5:30 pm Sunday Evensong service is edited, mixed, then broadcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, among other podcasting platforms.
- October 9, 2024 marks our 88th episode.
- Our episodes have been downloaded a total of 9,841 so far.
- We are listened to across North America, Europe, and Asia, specifically in the US, UK, Canada, Austria, and Singapore. In total, listeners have tuned in to experience the Epiphany Choir from 61 countries around the world.
- We average about 90 downloads per episode.
- Since January 2024, 3233 have attended Evensong, averaging 83 per service.
Through Evensong, our neighborhood stretches across the globe.
With your pledge, we can keep sharing this 500 year tradition to refresh all souls.
For links to our podcast and more, go to
Fun Fact #3: Music at Epiphany
- Age range of choir members: 6 to 81 years
- Hours spent in weeknight rehearsals from September to May: 92
- Anthems sung from Kickoff Sunday through Trinity Sunday: 140
- Age range of students: 5 – 78
- Number of teachers: 15
- Number of students in private lessons: 81
- Number of students enrolled in classes: 27
- Numbers of lessons taught:
- in 2023: 2133
- in 2024 (YTD): 2791
- Instruments taught: voice, piano, guitar, violin, cello, flute, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, bass (upright and electric), ukulele, cello, harpsichord, and organ.
Fun Fact #4: Who’s on Epiphany’s campus?
Did you know that in just one month, this month of October, Epiphany will welcome people to our campus over 4300 times? And that’s a number that doesn’t include church services! This figure includes:
- 490 attendees at Community Events – Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Neighborhood Book Group, Chess, School DJ Dance Party, Al Anon, Sanctuary Series.340 attendees at Epiphany Partner Offerings – Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Susan Pitchford Spiritual Counseling.
- 585 attendees at Outside Rentals (Music) – Pro Musica Choral Rehearsals, Early Music Recording Session, Sound Salon Recording & Concert, Romantic String Quartet Concert.
- 1457 attendees at Outside Rentals (Meetings & Events) – Seattle Prep School, Impact 100, Sound Meditation, Epiphany School, EELP.
- 993 attendees at Epiphany Parish Events & Meetings – RELATA, All Threads, Men’s Breakfast, Women’s Retreat Group, Fall Concert, Wedding, Small Group Meetings, Choir, Chorister, Vestry, Music Board Meeting, Service and Outreach.
- 140 attendees at Epiphany Parish Classes & Formation – Bible Study, C.S. Lewis Minyan, EFM, Sunday Forums, Sunday School.
Fun Fact #5: Service & Outreach at Epiphany
Epiphany is a very giving parish. We live out our values of care and compassion through several service and outreach ministries, including:
People Doing Stuff in October
- Tiny Homes Built: 12
- Tuesday Community Dinners: 8
- Teen Feed Events: 6
- Sandwich Making Sessions: 5
- YWCA Food Bank Deliveries: 4
- Ronald McDonald House Events: 10
- Operation NightWatch Nightly Meals: 6
Financially Supporting Outreach
2023 total = $463,705
- Domestic gifts: $123,405
- International gifts: $87,915
- Episcopal Church: $249,217
- Other para-church organizations: $3,168
which is 20% of Epiphany Total Revenue for 2023
2024 (YTD) total = $422,163
- Domestic gifts: $114,056
- International gifts: $ 54,270
- Episcopal Church: $250,387
- Other para-church organizations: $3,000
which is 24.4% of Epiphany Total Revenue (YTD)
To learn more about Service & Outreach, visit
Fun Fact #6: Building & Grounds at Epiphany
It takes a certain kind of someone to call bills and fees “fun,” but we all know that the care and maintenance of our campus require more than time and talent: the incarnational realities of stewarding our buildings and grounds necessarily come with a dollar figure:
Gas and electrical: $22,668
Sewer and water: $18,261
Recycling and garbage: $11,041
Internal: $26,384
Contractors: $38,862
Landscaping: $8,731
Pest control: $2,766
Instrument maintenance: $16,590
Office equipment purchases, maintenance and rentals: $15,931
Internet maintenance and security: $31,938
Legal and audit: $21,986
Investment advisor fee: $26,611
Fun Fact #7: Epiphany in the Neighborhood
Throughout this appeal, we have been reminding the parish of a core aphorism at Epiphany: the neighborhood church is the hope of the world. This hope rings true because the neighborhood is one of the best places we have left in our culture for incarnational connection and relationship. That’s why much of our parish life is invitational and community-oriented. Here are some numbers of participants in recent neighborhood events:
- DJ Dance Parties (January – October): 855
- Super Bowl 2024: 92
- Concerts in the Courtyard (July 2024): 573
- Easter Egg Hunt 2024: 134
- Fall Picnic (September 2024): 166
- Holiday Festival (December 2023): 156
- Halloween Party (October 2023): 65
- PraySeattle 2024: 36
- Parents’ Night Out: 46 kids
- Madrona May Fair 2024:
- Number of Epiphany tables: 3
- Number of volunteers: 10
- Number of popcorn bags handed out: 332